Labour-Management Consultation Workshop Clinic
On February 23 and 24, 2016, the Ontario Region held a Labour-Management Consultation (LMC) workshop clinic. The Clinic provided JLP facilitators the chance to experience, analyse and practice different learning activities from the kit.
The Clinic was facilitated by the JLP Regional Field Coordinators, Teresa Morgan (Employer) and Ryan Winger (Union) along with JLP facilitator Catherine Stubley (Employer). A group of 14 participants attended the clinic: Jesslyn Bartman, Fran Cohen, Heather Cruickshank, Juanita Edwards, Nazmeena Ehsan, Valerie Green, Christine Haggar, Gaylene Higgs, Suzanne Hoffberg, Sara Johnson Vleuten, Richard Kim, Diane Levola, Kimberly Poirier and Kimberly Wade.