Welcome to the Public Service Alliance of Canada-Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Joint Learning Program website!
As the Co-Chairs of the Steering Committee for the Joint Learning Program (JLP), we are delighted to welcome you to this website. We are so pleased with this groundbreaking partnership between the Public Service Alliance of Canada and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.
This initiative resulted from collective bargaining. The Union and Employer first agreed to establish a joint learning program in 2001 and renewed their commitment to the program in 2004, 2007, and then again in 2011. Over $8M was dedicated to the JLP to fund learning activities, designed and delivered jointly by union and management. It highlights how bargaining agents and the employer can work together to modernize and improve relations in the workplace. Since the last round of collective bargaining in 2011, all union members within the Core Public Administration are eligible to participate in the JLP.
The JLP is intended to provide joint learning opportunities in areas where both parties have significant roles and responsibilities, and for which the Employer does not already have a legal obligation to provide training. The JLP focuses on such topics as Preventing Harassment and Violence in the Workplace, Duty to Accommodate, Employment Equity, Respecting Differences/Anti-Discrimination, Understanding the Collective Agreement, Labour-Management Consultation and Mental Health in the Workplace. The objectives of the JLP are to contribute to a better understanding of the respective roles of the union and management and to improve labour relations within the Public Service.
We thank you for your interest in the JLP and trust that by actively taking part in this journey of learning, you will feel inspired and supported in your own learning adventure. We hope you will keep in touch and share your learning experiences with us.
Stay tuned to the website for up-to-date information on the JLP.