Celebrating 4 000 Workshops

The Joint Learning Program (JLP) is proud to announce that the 4 000th workshop milestone was reached and celebrated on October 5th, 2016. The celebrations took place during workshops that were being held throughout Canada on that day.  In fact, a total of nine workshops were being held in a number of regions:

  • Atlantic: Shediac
  • British Columbia : Victoria
  • National Capital Region: Gatineau
  • Ontario/Nunavut: Niagara Falls and North Bay
  • Prairies: Edmonton, Regina and Winnipeg
  • Quebec:  Westmount

One of the critical objectives of the JLP’s mandate is to improve and promote healthier labour-relations within the Federal Public Service. 4 000 workshops translate into approximately 80 000 union members and supervisors/managers participating together in experiential learning on the seven different workshop topics. 

The JLP wants to take the opportunity provided by this very special occasion to thank each one of you for your contribution to the Program, whether you are an organizer, a participant or an active supporter and/or promoter of the JLP within your workplace. We especially want to thank all our facilitators for their engagement, reliability, professionalism and enthusiasm toward the Program.

This is quite an achievement. Let us celebrate all together!