Recognition of JLP Facilitators in the National Capital Region
With the support of their managers, 32 JLP facilitators were recognized for meeting their commitment to deliver 5 workshops in 18 months. Facilitators are at the heart of the Program’s success by delivering workshops that contribute to improved communications and labour-management relations in the workplace.
Regional Field Coordinators André Paquin and Patrick Rosemonde offer a sincere thank you to:
Anaelle Conan, Annick Levesque, Ayman Al-Kadri, Chantal Lewis, Crystal Day,
David Evans, Dawn White, Denis Grondin, Diane Girouard, Elizabeth Cook, Eric Lunn,
Gordon Bulmer, Holly Melanson, Isabelle Beaudoin, Janice Lobo-Dale, Joanne Cain, Joyce Lyver,
Karine Brassard, Khadeejat Momoh, Krystel Grenier Lalonde, Lucie Bourcier, Lynne Eaton,
Marie-Philippe Ares, Natasha McMahon, Omer Melanson, Reni Gauthier,
Shaun Lévêsque, Shawn Walker, Sonia Driscoll, Soula Koutras, Susan Goulet, Tasha MacIntyre.
Congratulations to all! The JLP is grateful to have you all among its facilitators.