JLP attends the USJE National Local Presidents’ Meeting
The JLP was pleased to be a guest speaker on mental health at the USJE National Local President’s Meeting in Ottawa on May 30, 2018.
JLP Program Officers, Rachel Besharah and Nathalie Duquette promoted the Program and offered information from the JLP Mental Health in the Workplace workshop. The presentation included a number of small group discussions for local presidents to share their experiences about mental health and stigma. They also had the chance to discuss the 13 workplace factors crucial to psychologically safe and healthy workplaces and steps they can take to support their Locals to bring these factors to life.
Almost a dozen local presidents in attendance are also JLP facilitators and an outstanding number of participants had participated in a JLP workshop in their workplace. Rachel and Nathalie encouraged the union leaders to take care of their own mental health in order to be able to continue doing the great work they do for their members. The JLP is grateful to USJE President Stan Stapleton for the invitation.
2018 National Meeting of USJE Local Presidents