Cross-Country PHVW Clinics for JLP Facilitators
The JLP’s newest workshop Preventing Harassment and Violence in the Workplace is a cutting-edge result of the recent developments in the legal landscape on harassment and violence in the workplace, including the adoption of Bill C-65 in October 2018.
Clinics were offered to JLP facilitators across the country that provided an opportunity to learn the new material in a community of practice. Overall the Clinics allowed our facilitators to further practice and develop their facilitation skills while being acquainted with the new workshop content.
See below for more details about each Region’s Clinic:
Clinic Facilitators: Irene Berube, ECCC (union) and Jamie Howie, ESDC (employer)
Facilitators from Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta appreciated the opportunity to further develop their skills to ensure a professional delivery of this workshop. The topic of domestic violence generated significant discussion as it relates to ensuring healthy and safe workplaces for all public service employees and managers.
Clinic Facilitators: Tamara Lopez, CBSA (union) and Heather Cruickshank, ESDC (employer)
The excitement about the new material and the chance to connect as a community was felt by all who attended. Kudos to clinic facilitators, Heather and Tamara, for their leadership and dedication to the program!
Clinic Facilitators: Deirdre Brown, JLP (union) and Jo-Anne McCullough, PSC (employer)
JLP facilitators explored the new workshop kit. Learning how domestic violence affects the workplace was a highlight of this clinic. The heartfelt, powerful reaction to the material emphasized its timeliness and relevance to public service employees and managers throughout the country.
Session Facilitator: Benoit Thibeault, DFO (union) and Isabelle Bégin, PSPC (employer)
The workshop participants all believe that, by adding domestic violence, the new kit represents the new reality in the workplace. The kit provides us with the opportunity to personally reflect and take concrete action.
Comment from Isabelle Renaud (Regional Education Agent from PSAC-Quebec)
My participation in the PHVW workshop confirmed something that I already knew: that the JLP facilitators are exceptional partners when it is time for training!
The PHVW workshop allowed all of us to learn about the latest changes to the act while practicing our facilitation techniques.
And we had fun doing it!
Clinic Facilitators: Francois Cyr, ESDC (union) and Ron Drake, ESDC (employer)
This Clinic was attended by 18 JLP facilitators from the Atlantic Region, eight being from the Fisheries and Oceans Canada Newfoundland Region’s strategic partnership with the JLP. What a great occasion to explore the new workshop kit in a peer-learning environment and prepare to help raise awareness in the workplace on this important subject.
Clinic Facilitators: Karla Backer, JLP (union) and Ward Bansley, Justice (employer)
Experienced facilitators in the BC-YT Region participated in the new PHVW kit Clinic. They appreciated the opportunity to develop common understandings of what harassment and violence in the workplace is and what actions to take when it occurs. Facilitators now feel equipped to support employees to develop this same common understanding in efforts to transform workplaces.