May 1st, 2021: International Workers’ Day
May 1st is International Workers’ Day. This is a day to recognize and celebrate the achievements of the labour movement. This date was chosen after the American Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions demanded that an eight-hour workday come into effect on May 1, 1884. Though the eight-hour workday was not adopted for many years, this marked the beginning of that movement.
The Joint Learning Program is a union and management partnership whose mandate is to foster understanding, respect and cooperation between the parties. All aspects of the Program model a collaborative approach to building a healthy and safe workplace for all federal public-service employees.
As we move into the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the JLP recognizes the many effects the last year’s massive upheaval has had on public-service employees. For those working on the frontlines, those struggling to balance work-life responsibilities, those implementing special initiatives to help Canadians in these difficult times and many others who have seen their work change drastically. The JLP recognizes your challenges and your achievements.
In response to the changes of the last year, the JLP is now offering Empowering Conversations, a series of guided discussions for intact teams that examine current topics of interest to public-service employees.
Photo by Tim Mossholder